Belletrist 7 and Bellezine 2025 are now open for submissions!

Belletrist 7: The Unsaid Issue is open to submissions from ALL AUTHORS in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, and miscellany. Please click on the appropriate portals below for genre specific guidelines.

Bellezine 2025 (The Sound of Home: A Multilingual Issue) is open for submissions from BELLEVUE COLLEGE STUDENTS & ALUMNI ONLY in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Thank you for your patience while our small staff carefully considers each submission.

Past issues of Belletrist are available for purchase below. 


Sometimes the whole world feels made out of words. We hear them shouted across crowded rooms and whispered sweetly in the night. We pore over them on perfect-bound pages and peck them into glowing screens. And yet so often the true story gets told by the one thing left out. By the pregnant pause, full of knowing. Or the long email, erased and rewritten and rewritten again, but never sent. An ambiguous smile. Bad reception. Some confessions get caught in our throat.

Belletrist 7 is seeking these stories of the unsaid. We want fictions, poems, essays, and miscellany that make room for silence. Send us work that orbits the unwritten. We will quietly contain them in a compact hardcover edition.

PROSE: submit short fiction and nonfiction between 1000 and 6000 words. For Flash, submit up to three stories under 1000 words in one file.


Sometimes the whole world feels made out of words. We hear them shouted across crowded rooms and whispered sweetly in the night. We pore over them on perfect-bound pages and peck them into glowing screens. And yet so often the true story gets told by the one thing left out. By the pregnant pause, full of knowing. Or the long email, erased and rewritten and rewritten again, but never sent. An ambiguous smile. Bad reception. Some confessions get caught in our throat.

Belletrist 7 is seeking these stories of the unsaid. We want fictions, poems, essays, and miscellany that make room for silence. Send us work that orbits the unwritten. We will quietly contain them in a compact hardcover edition.

POETRY: submit up to five poems in one file.



Sometimes the whole world feels made out of words. We hear them shouted across crowded rooms and whispered sweetly in the night. We pore over them on perfect-bound pages and peck them into glowing screens. And yet so often the true story gets told by the one thing left out. By the pregnant pause, full of knowing. Or the long email, erased and rewritten and rewritten again, but never sent. An ambiguous smile. Bad reception. Some confessions get caught in our throat.

Belletrist 7 is seeking these stories of the unsaid. We want fictions, poems, essays, and miscellany that make room for silence. Send us work that orbits the unwritten. We will quietly contain them in a compact hardcover edition.

GRAPHIC NARRATIVES, COMICS, IDEA DRAWINGS: submit works up to 30 pages to be printed in black-and-white.

Sometimes the whole world feels made out of words. We hear them shouted across crowded rooms and whispered sweetly in the night. We pore over them on perfect-bound pages and peck them into glowing screens. And yet so often the true story gets told by the one thing left out. By the pregnant pause, full of knowing. Or the long email, erased and rewritten and rewritten again, but never sent. An ambiguous smile. Bad reception. Some confessions get caught in our throat.

Belletrist 7 is seeking these stories of the unsaid. We want fictions, poems, essays, and miscellany that make room for silence. Send us work that orbits the unwritten. We will quietly contain them in a compact hardcover edition.

MISCELLANY: to be published anonymously, send us unsent emails, text messages, eavesdroppings, confessions, secrets, apologies, found objects like lost notes, crumpled up post-its, shredded docs, dedications inside used paperbacks, unnoticed notes in the corner of a textbook, or any old fragmented example of the unspoken, the unwritten, the unheard. Send as many as you like in one file. Author may chose for bio to appear in contributor's notes.

BELLEZINE 2025-’26



問題. In what language were your lullabies? What dialect did your mom use to scold you? क्या आप घर के ख़याल देखते हैं? What did you eat on your birthday? How do your friends say cheers when they raise a glass? Qué olor infantil araparías dentro de una vela? Did you ever get yelled at for not speaking English? Do different moods evoke different words? كيف بتسلم على اهلك? What was your third word? It has been said that speaking two languages is like possessing two souls. 동의하시나요?

Bellevue College can feel a lot like its own little world. A walk from the N building to the K is a trek across the globe. In any given year, BC’s students call upwards of 55 different countries home. Just listen. Sit in the library or the Student Union or the Bulldog Bistro and hear any of 31 languages being spoken by our students, faculty, and staff.

We want the next issue of Bellezine to sound the same. We want to publish your poetry, fiction, and essays in whichever language you write in. Send us work in English, Spanish, Hindi, Mandarin, Japanese, Urdu, French, Arabic, Korean… anything! We want to read about who you are, where you’re from, where you want to go, in whichever language you want to tell us. 

To send us your work, go to, click SUBMIT, create a free Submittable account, and upload your work. In your cover letter, briefly tell us what your submission has to do with language or home or your world. If your writing is not in English and you have a translation, feel free to send that too. We might publish both. Otherwise, simply tell us in your cover letter which language you are writing in so that we can seek out a fluent reviewer.


Belletrist 6 features poetry and prose arrayed across a gorgeous full-color 36" X 54" calligram. Comes in a 40" mailing tube.

Price of $24 includes tax and cost of shipping. 


Featuring new work from Hattie Jean Hayes, K-Ming Chang, Rachel Karyo, Samantha Mueller, Jhanvi Ramaiya, Robert Boucheron, and Ashley Morrow Hermsmeier, this issue measures 7 inches tall by 33 feet long, with each piece published on a single line! Ships in an 8.5-inch tube. 

Price of $21 includes tax and cost of shipping.

Belletrist Magazine